Stories & Info

Tanya Johnsen, 34

Posted: February 23, 2018
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“I’m happier and have more energy. I like how my body looks and don’t care as much about my ‘flaws.’ So I have a bit of cellulite, who cares? My body is strong, capable and beautiful. I’m more open to trying new things. I have more self-discipline and ability to push through.”

Member Of:

Farmgirlfit Cd’A


Primarily: Stay-at-home mom. Also: Small Business Owner, House Hygienist

Tell us about your fitness journey. How did you come to Farmgirlfit?

Well, I never played any high school sports or anything, but I started running after I had my kids and ran a half marathon and a few other small races. I also joined some gyms and attended classes. I would go for a year or so, stop for a bit, start back up, stop…you get the idea. A few years ago I had some health issues that all came out around the same time, and I had to start taking a few different medications. It was a hard time for me both physically and mentally. I discovered certain things I could control with my body, and some that I just couldn’t. I was kinda in a funk. I decided I wanted to start working out again; dun, dun, duuun…

I saw Farmgirlfit on Facebook, and eventually signed up for a free class. I came alone and had to give myself a little pep talk to get out of the car. I was really nervous and self-conscious. I had never done any of these movements or lifts and was out of shape. I was amazed that ladies were using 20 to 25lb dumbbells. The coaches and members were super nice to me, though. I felt welcomed and included, even though I really didn’t know what I was doing. Slowly, though, I started getting a few movements down, becoming more comfortable, and just kept coming back.

What has been your greatest fitness/performance accomplishment so far?  

Well, one time I beat someone at timed Wall Balls. Oh yeah baby!! It was Lindsay! I wouldn’t want to do a rematch, but somehow I won! 🤣 Also I started everything doing Level 1 and now, mostly do Level 3.

What are your next health and fitness goals?  

I’d really like to focus on improving my mobility and practice doing some of the skill stuff. Also, just continuing to build strength. 

Favorite exercise at FGF is? Least favorite?

Favorite - Goblet Squats, Med Ball Cleans, Wall Balls, Tabata, and any exercise that you don’t need to think about.

Least Favorite - Overhead Squats, Snatch, Toes-to-Bar, and Burpees (they make me super nervous)!

When the Grind is kicking my butt, I’m thinking… 

Break it into 5’s, ok break it into 2’s, and work through it. Or the faster I get this done the faster it’s over. Also, I hear Jaunessa's voice telling me to breathe.

My favorite thing about Farmgirlfit is:

I have a lot of big ones and some silly little ones.

  • How it’s so easy to get into the building. Always a parking spot and you don’t have to walk far in the cold.
  • The number of classes! A lot of traditional gyms only have specific classes at certain days/times. FGF has a way of getting into a class just about any time of the day.
  • Nothing is synchronized! Think Zumba, step-aerobics, etc. This is a BIGGIE for me. 😂 I don’t sync well. 😊
  • It’s not awkward, quiet before class begins. You get to know each other and become friends. Everyone’s excited and happy to be there, even if it’s been a really crummy day, or if there are burpees in the workout.
  • It’s effective. If you’re consistent, you’ll see results. All you’ve got to do is get through the door, and then it’s like a roller coaster: once it starts; you’re not getting off ‘til the end.

Do you have a funny Farmgirlfit story, or favorite memory?

I tried to do a handstand on the wall once and didn’t put my arms out.  Seriously? 

How has the rest of your life been influenced/impacted by Farmgirlfit? 

Exercising releases endorphins so I’m happier and have more energy. I like how my body looks and don’t care as much about my “flaws.” So I have a bit of cellulite, who cares? My body is strong, capable and beautiful. I’m more open to trying new things. I have more self-discipline and ability to push through. Some of these workouts will push you to your max and you’ll learn to gut it out. That transfers to real life!

When you're not pumping iron at FGF, what does the rest of your life look like?

Most things in my life flow from the fact that I’m a Christian. My life goals can be summed up in loving God and loving others. So I like doing bible studies, church, and serving. I’m also married to a great guy and have three crazy kids that keep me busy. I have a small business cleaning houses, so I do that a few days a week. I read a lot and do a book club, and also play bunco. I like working in my yard, house projects, camping and ride a little on my dirt bike and scooter.

My happy place is:

In a shallow river with my river chair (half butt in water, half out) with a book, iced coffee and quiet.

Words that inspire me?

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - JESUS

My trademark dance move: 

The stiff leg. 😊

My favorite holiday and why:

Christmas, I like how everyone focuses on the things that matter.

My favorite post workout meal: 

I don’t have a post favorite, but usually eat a banana coming in the door.

You might not know this about me: 

I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. My sisters are my BEST friends and we are super close. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews, and when you get us all together we are a big, LOUD group that likes to play poker, eat A LOT, and have fun. 

Any advice for new members?

Don’t give up. You CAN do it. Give yourself time and grace. Members aren’t seeing you mess up or whatever in a workout; they’re too busy getting their own butts kicked. 😂

Anything else to share?

I love that I found this gym. Life circumstances were such that I couldn’t really play sports as a kid, and as an adult always wished I would have. Farmgirlfit is so much more than a regular gym. It is really like a sport, you have coaches and a team. I don’t know of many other places you can start a sport as an adult. You compete against yourself and others, learn weightlifting and all sorts of skills, and make friends along the way. It’s given me a chance at something I thought I’d missed. So thanks Farmgirlfit! 💜

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